@dansmock Greta piece. It's amazing how capitalism and neoliberalism almost gets a free ride when it comes to its everyday violence against ordinary people.
@dansmock Perfect analysis. We seem to give people who create systems of violence a pass, because the rules of neoliberalism encourages it. Most people don't "endorse" murder, but it doesn't take much to understand it. In this case, the CEO is a symbol.
@dansmock Articulate, insightful, and accurate. We have reached the point in chokepoint capitalism where CEOs and politicians know they are above the law and that the wheels of justice cannot act fast enough to bring them to account. I don't see many good outcomes from that reality.
@apoorplayer At some point we have to grapple with what's legal versus what's right. I'm a little tired of the Warrens and Sanders of the world complaining about systems that operate as they do because lawmakers didn't rein them in earlier. Mainly because power and systems win out every time.
@drwalt Systems are inherently designed to grind us down, aren't they? And there's a whole lot of "what can you do?" in the face of it, and agreed, the CEO is definitely a symbol of the widening wealth (and health) gap in this country.
@davidmarsden I think that's mainly because we all want to buy into it, believing somehow that it's all OK and if we just work hard enough, we too can earn that branded quarter zip fleece, the corner office and the stock options. Because looking around us is just so depressing, we keep looking up toward goals most of us can't reasonably achieve.
@smockblog ha, maybe you're right. Never thought of it as a preventative for depression!