
Indieweb Directory:

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@MrKapowski It sounds like a good idea and worth giving a try. It would be useful if you could capture any feeds from the sites listed.

Asa for domains, I've got a couple of domains intended for directories I've been sitting on for years. You never know when the itch will hit you.

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@bradenslen Glad to hear someone else thinks it’s an idea worth doing, and not just me 😃On the feeds thing: I’d thought about doing a "last N items" list on the directory entry for a site, but that was likely to be a later addition… and I’m not sure if the extra processing necessary to poll feeds would be offset by the value added.At the very least I was planning to include links to any detected feeds (found through rel="alternative" links), and a flag to say if a microformats-based feed was detected during the initial parsing.You are right that it’s worth holding onto the domain, just in case the stars align. I’ve just renewed it.

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@MrKapowski I think you will get a good number of submissions with such a directory. Most bloggers who have taken the time to add Indieweb capabilities to their blogs are keen to show others that they have them, which is good. An example is the Indieweb Webring which has gained a lot of members.

Hard to say on if it's worthwhile on feeds. I included them on my directory but the content of the feed only shows on the "detail" page for the listing and I've detected little if any interest from users. I quit including the feed URL for listings I add but I leave the option there for people adding their own blog. I was worried about eventual bandwidth usage. Your mileage may vary. :-)

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