Blogged: Some thoughts on the fediverse and Mastodon

@leonp All good thoughts there, I reckon! I've definitely also had the thought in recent weeks (as I've got so many new followers, and seen so many introduction/"please follow me" Mastodon posts) that Micro.blog's lack of visible followers/followings is so much more relaxing. I also think newspapers and other news outlets should set up their own instances at their own domain names, so they can give their journalists official accounts. But in general, I like that on Mastodon there are far fewer people trying to "build an audience" and more people just trying to connect with others reciprocally :)

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@jayeless Ta! Yes, identity is a bit of a mess; I’ve already come across some popular Twitter handles turning up on Mastodon instances which were obviously not set up by the org/person in question. rel="me" is handy, but not everyone has their own site/can add the relevant HTML.

Newspapers would also provde a place to congregate and they could scale large instances.

I hope Mastodon keeps that marketing-free feel, but like I say, I can see it already in the webdev world. You don’t get it on micro.blog
