@chrisaldrich Are you self taught in restoration of typewriters, or do you have manuals/“a guy” to help? I will maybe get another typewriter soon, and I wonder if it’s something I possibly could do myself. (I’m not knowledgeable about typewriter technology, but I’m average handy with tech).
Also, have you seen something like this before? (Picture number 5)
@odd I grew up using typewriters. My engineering and tinkerer background certainly helps. I'm definitely self-taught and started out with Richard Polt's book The Typewriter Revolution (2015) which goes through a lot of the basics. His website also has some great material to get one started. Beyond that I do lean on a surprising wealth of YouTube videos within the type-o-sphere, despite the fact that manuals are available. The nice part with these machines is that they're incredibly sturdy and usually if you can see it you can figure out how it works and what it might need to get working again.
The fifth picture you indicated is an old/early index typewriter on which you pick a letter at a time on a grid and then type it. Definitely a time consuming way to type. I don't have any in my collection (yet??) as I tend to lean towards the esthetic of machines in the late 40s to early 70s. Some of the early presentation/conversation pieces are fascinating, but I do prefer machines I can use on an ongoing basis.
What machine do you have now? What are you considering?
@chrisaldrich Thank you for your extensive reply! I’ve heard of that book, maybe I’ll get it myself. Good to know that there is a lot of online support available too.
I have an Erica travel machine, although I’m not sure of the model, (it didn’t come with a manual and the machine doesn’t have any hint on it). I’m thinking about getting a Hermes Media 3, although I was really wanting a 3000, but they are really expensive here. (~$200).
@odd As @chrisaldrich says, I also highly recommend Richard Polt's book. It is a great starting point for basic typewriter lore and basic maintenance and repair. Plus it's just fun to read.
Hermes typewriters are legendary for smoothness and refinement - so I hear. I hope you find one.
@bradenslen @chrisaldrich Good to know! You know what, right now I’m wondering if I didn’t get that book earlier…I have to check my book shelves.
Update: Well, what do you know, I found it!
@bradenslen @odd My favorite part of the physical book was that they went to the trouble to have a black and red bookmark ribbon bound into it.
@odd You might be able to identify your Erika typewriter by body shape at typewriterdatabase.com/seidelnau... and then confirm by looking up the particular make/model. A serial number on the machine will give you a good guess as to the manufacture year. Once you've got all this, you might also find a digital copy of the manual by searching site.xavier.edu/polt/type...