@manton maybe I'm missing something but how do you create a single page website? I tried looking in the help but couldn't find anything there...is there a plugin?
@manton maybe I'm missing something but how do you create a single page website? I tried looking in the help but couldn't find anything there...is there a plugin?
@annahavron @kaa It’s on the Plans page.
@annahavron @kaa No coding necessary. When you create a single-page site (link on the Plans page) it adds the “Custom home page” plug-in which lets you add text for the home page. Then you can create other pages if you want, just not blog posts.
@kaa Might add a link on Account too later, near the New Blog button. A lot of this has changed just in the last week because of the pricing changes.
@manton @kaa @annahavron What types of code works apart from Markdown, HTML, and JavaScript? Will the code we use in Micro.blog custom themes work?