Drafts for iOS kaa.bz

@kaa In answer to your question as to what happens to your Workspaces is over. If you do not renew your subscription they will still be there but inaccessible. You can see them listed, but they will have a Pro icon next to them.

I found this out from my backwards and forwards with the app, trying the Pro version for a month and then going elsewhere. I am now on a year's subscription. When I initially re-installed the app I could see my Workspaces, they were just inaccessible (though the corresponding Drafts were still accessible). Restarting my subscription again unlocked access to the Workspaces.

In reply to

@crossingthethreshold yeah, that isn’t great tbh, but at least all your notes are all there. I would have preferred the other model of paying something up front, which allows me to use the app with updates for a year forward. If I want new features then that is another purchase. Keeps the pressure on the developer to you know develop and make the app better while I can choose if I want to pay for the latest features or continue using the app. I am much much more in favour of the Sketch.app model of doing things. Not sure why more devs don’t do it that way?


@kaa I have a love hate relationship with the subscription charges. On one level I feel as though I am being held hostage if I want to keep and use certain features, in this case Workspaces which I find very useful. On another I see developers looking for models to bring in a sustaniable income. I took a look at the Sketch.app model and I do like it.
