The big path and the small path:…
@ablerism Wow. On the upbeat, if we get to say Wendell Berry wins, I’ll be very happy. In terms of the long defeat, I can live with being one of the “partisans of the small path.”
I would love to hear more about the “pull” vs. “push.”
@tinyroofnail Yes, Berry! And it does feel upbeat, actually (as Hine says, “when your eyes adjust,” etc). Will write more about it all eventually. Happy Friday.
@jabel @JohnBrady Agree! I went to hear Hine in conversation with Lewis Hyde and @matthewbattles recently. I was sure I knew what I’d hear, but I really, really didn’t.
@ablerism "those of us who are partisans of the small path will find ourselves in a strange position" — I've been there! But then I am contrary by nature. I ordered the book, as I'm interested to see how he frames his arguments and solutions. Thanks for the suggestion!
@JohnBrady Let us know what you think!
@jabel @JohnBrady Ditto. The bookshop in Brunswick was kind of thrilled and surprised that Hine’s book had flown completely under their radar, especially after reading the endorsements.