Talk about your midlife crisis. How was I supposed to know when I bought a pretty country church in a city named Rome that I was acting like a guardian deity? Lares Schmares. Anybody who deifies me needs serious therapy. I'd always believed the whole "Lares" thing was a family story, nothing more. When I was fifteen I'd looked up the term "Lares" and discovered that they were guardian deities in the ancient Roman religion. Heh. A deity. That's hilarious. I can barely manage my own life, let alone help others with theirs. do I explain a sudden, driving urge to open my candle shop in a pretty white church sitting at the main crossroads of a small town named Rome? I'm not a Lares. That's ridiculous. I'm just a forty-five-year-old divorcee who likes to make candles. How was I supposed to know that buying a church meant becoming the caregiver of a whole array of magical creatures? Still...I'm not going to guard them. No Siree! I'm no guardian deity. That's just...strange.