The Elements of Cookingis an opinionated reference work destined to stand among the great works of the kitchen. It is slim, clear and to the point- here are the things you need to know how to do, here are the key words of the language of food, and here are the absolute essentials that every great chef knows. The Elements of Cookingdefines vital terms, explains the fundamental ratios of important preparations (sauces, cakes, etc.) so that you will never need a recipe again, and provides countless chef's "secrets". In eight introductory essays, Ruhlman pares down the essentials of great cooking- understanding how to salt food; making stock; making sauces; using heat properly; working with eggs; having the right tools (there are only five essentials); what to read and use as a resource; and lastly, and most importantly, the use of finesse, that extra attention to detail that transforms food into something glorious. This is a book that can be returned to time and again, and its lessons practised for a lifetime.