The Organised Writer is a practical, no-nonsense system that allows you as an author to write without worrying about administration, business affairs, or scheduling, because you know those non-writing tasks will be dealt with at the right time. This straight-talking guide will help you become more productive, cope with multiple projects, and make time within your life to write - while also dealing with non-writing tasks more efficiently. It includes advice on how to: · Manage your schedule · Prioritise your writing time · Take notes effectively · Work with a 'clean mind' · Get more written every day · Deal effectively with non-writing tasks · Set up a foolproof filing system · Organise your working space Read the book, then spend a weekend setting up the system described, and you'll make the time back with interest. You'll get more written every day and complete more of your non-writing tasks without being overwhelmed by all the things you have to do, forgot to do, or don't want to do.