In an alternate timeline, Earth has been destroyed by nightmarish wraiths called into existence by a genetic experiment gone wrong. Left with no defense against the creatures, survivors are forced underground to avoid slaughter. Hiding in a small bunker below the remains of a hidden Nevada research station, Annie Ross and her two closest friends struggle to adapt to their new, dangerous life. In a sealed room deep in the bunker, they find a long-lost journal. The strange events it details convince Annie that a member of the ill-fated Franklin Expedition of 1845 may have a hidden power, a direct link to the origin of the genetic mutants who created the deadly wraiths in the first place - and he's possibly the only person who can stop the creatures for good. Together, Annie and her friends form a daring plan to travel through time and enlist the help of Harry Goodsir, attempting to change the fate of one man to ultimately save what's left of humanity.