An automotive empire controls the forms of our cities and therefore dominates the lives of people. Automobility limits citizenship, depriving the poor, elderly, children, and handicapped of the most ordinary human rights. Using contemporary sources, Kenneth Schneider traces the rise of the automobile from "the toy of the rich" to "the necessity of the poor," and "the deprivation of all." He stresses the irony of how early automobile enthusiasm resulted in today's harsh auto-dominated realities: cities converted from human to automotive scale, the loss of urban open space to consumptive suburban sprawl, the billions of hours lost in traffic congestion annually, a greater human loss of life to accidents than from all America's wars, the promoted consumption of declining fuel and other resources. Human values and the content of civilization are rocked asunder by commandments to increase exclusive automobile travel. Whereas the basic value of city life derives from minimizing the need to travel, cities today are stretched to demand ever more travel in misshaped human environments that ironically promote a negative result of economic growth. But human beings are resilient and do learn. They can reverse course and build vibrant environments in the image of their own scale, visions, and values. Autokind Vs. Mankind aims at that potential.