How I use OmniFocus, ten years on
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@jmac Your approach with OmniFocus has me wanting to re-evaluate a good many things I do with it. With start of version 2, I did the kind of bankruptcy where the company still runs afterwards, not a full clearing. I fight to avoid adding as many contexts as I used to have.

I do use OmniFocus for some limited emergencies, home power outage for example. I have a serial project in place with "Power out and at home" as its first task blocking all the rest until I mark that one done. It has all I need to do to shutdown my UPS powered storage systems and main computer (iTunes) in order for least harm to those file systems. The UPSs do not have much capacity, so I have to do it quickly without having to think / remember, if possible.

In fact, I use OmniFocus for a lot of procedural 'projects' and cooking (also procedural). Good with combination of serial (cooking steps) and parallel (ingredients both gathering and shopping) sub-task lists. Simply duplicating those when I need them instead of recreating them each time, frees up a lot of thinking.

Looking forward to seeing how Tags will change context use -- multiple tags for a task woud have helped many times. Multiple stores carry that item, right? Pain to have to duplicate that item for each store.
